Mirwaiz said:“ Kashmir tangle has both internal and external dimensions – at internal dimension there are two parties Pakistan and India ,who are directly involved to the dispute and prime party to the imbroglio are people of Kashmir – external dimension is that there are some world powers ,who are watching the situation at distant but not having the expound details ,”adding, “ Hurriyat is not against democratic doctrines , we have asked people of Kashmir to stay away from sham election process with the intention that democratic norms should be well defined and meant to solve the long pending Kashmir issue –which is the nuclear flash point between two neighboring countries of the sub-continent – our urge to the world community is that if they listen to India or Pakistan , they must also listen to common Kashmiris ,and feel their plight, agony and pain – who are the first causality to the dispute.”
“ APHC does believe in democracy and wants to solve the vexed issue of Kashmir through democratic verdict by the mode of referendum or Plebiscite –but the sham elections in Kashmir which have been carried since 1952 till to this date ,does not have any bearing on the nature of the dispute – our quorum believes in peace and it should evolve out of the situation in an honourable and dignified manner –Hurriyat wants to solve Kashmir issue at political front through meaningful dialogue,” Mirwaiz, added, elections rejection rally of 21st May has been called to express to the civilized world that APHC is the custodian of the sacrifices of common stock of people of Jammu Kashmir and farce elections are no way a substitute for the right to self determination .
Chairman Mirwaiz Umer Farooq reiterated that APHC has to draw a line for the future dispensation of Kashmir , respecting the wishes, sentiments and aspirations of Common Kashmiris ;every dispute gets solved when the disputing parties sit together and reach to an acceptable agreement like that of Ireland , which should be at par with the ambition of the people ,who are main party to the dispute –Kashmir have sustained the ongoing freedom struggle , it is because of the armed struggle of 90’s that Kashmir tangle has come out from cold storage and is discussed at international level : the freedom struggle will continue politically till to the logical conclusion .
Mirwaiz Umer Farooq maintained that when geographically small countries like France, England can have the permanent seats in UN ,why India doesn’t have - the main impediment keeps her away from the seat is lingering of Kashmir dispute, if India wants to achieve a respectable position in civilized world, it is mandatory upon India to give Kashmir a basic democratic right- right of right to self determination – so that Kashmiris can decide their future through adult franchise by means of referendum or plebiscite ; APHC is never against the socio- economic growth of India but they must give people of Jammu Kashmir their due right to decide their future -to which Hurriyat is wedded and meant for.
Executive member APHC and Chairman Muslim Conference Professor Abdul Gani Butt in his brief speech said that elections are only for achieving chair, while as right of right to self determination through referendum or plebiscite is for deciding the future , which is carried once in a life time of a nation to settle on the dispute , so elections in Kashmir have always been a futile practice . Professor cautioned: “We Kashmiris especially Pro-freedom leadership have to intermingle Principles with pragmatism , so our policies and programmes must be well defined asking for a strategy to tame the tide of change , and we must introspect in view of the changing world situation – Indians have given their verdict in recent parliamentary elections for stability , and rejected communalism, fanaticism and sectarianism , while as Pakistan is fighting war against extremism in Swat, Waziristan etc ., for perpetual stability , at the same time some strategists believe that Kashmir as a dangerous part on the map of South Asia.”
In this context meaningful dialogue is the only way out – now that a global change is sweeping across the parties involved in Kashmir will have to do the talking particularly with reference to nuclear weaponization of the sub-continent, where two hostile nuclear countries be involved in a dispute like Kashmiris , the international community will have to intervene with a view to warding off the ghosts of nuclear war. Therefore the dispute on Kashmir will have to be addressed in all cases and other all circumstances . But while talking the larger interest of peace and stability a deeper sense of responsibility in the higher degree of responsibility in conjunction of course with pragmatism and accommodation: APHC will have to work heard and draw up a plan to deal with the situation –and not build houses on stand . Recognize somber realities , preserve your position and work out an extraordinary strategy to writ people in India ,in Pakistan and in Kashmir of tension and insecurity ,this can happen only if and when dispute on Kashmir is resolved, and we have to define our roadmap in the new world order , so that every party achieves win-win position and have no feeling of sense of defeat, this is the only mode through which we Kashmiris as a weak nation can attain the political target, Professor said .
Acting Chairman Peoples league and Executive Member APHC Mukhtar Ahmad Waza maintained that the 1st martyrdom of Shaheed-e-Azeemat Sheikh Abdul Aziz must be also commemorated in same style . While speaking in the seminar he that the Kashmiris would never forget sacrifices of their martyrs, who have laid their lives for securing inalienable Right to Self-determination. He said Elections have been held since 1947, but it has proved to be a futile exercise and will remain so unless and until Kashmir issue is resolved as per the wishes and aspirations of Kashmiri people. Hurriyat Conference represents the sentiments and sacrifices of the Kashmiris. Our agenda is the settlement of the Kashmir issue and that is why we have termed elections as non-issue. Waza urged people to participate in the Eidgah March in a large number and demonstrate to the world that their resolve to continue the liberation struggle could not be defeated by Indian state terrorism. Fazal Haq Qureshi executive member APHC , while speaking on the occasion said that the mission of martyrs shall be taken to the logical end ,come what may.
Another Executive member ,chairman Anjuman Sharie Shiyan , Agha Syed Hassan Almoslvi Alsafvi said that elections in Kashmir is a futile practice , which can not change the nature of the dispute .. President Itihad-ul Muslimeen and executive member Masroor Abbas Ansari in an impressive speech said that we have to carry on the ongoing freedom movement in disciplined manner and have to predetermine our political targets . President Mahaz-e-Azadi and Senior Hurriyat leader Mir Mohammad Iqbal in his lecture expressed full faith on the leadership of Mirwaiz Molvi Mohammad Umer Farooq as Chairman APHC , while as another Hurriyat leader Mohammad Yousuf Naqasah also spoke in the same tone . Dr. Ghulam Mohammad Hubbi of Peoples Conference and media advisor of APHC , Syed Saleem Geelani Provincial President APHC Nayeem Ahmad Khan ,Abdul Manan Bukhari , Javaid Ahmad Mir, Yasmeen Raja, Bashir Ahmad Andrabi ,Chaudhary Shaheen Iqbal and Fayaz Ahmad Sodagher also spoke on the occasion . Meanwhile responsibility of comparing was shouldered by Hakeem Abdul Rashid.
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